// Get the DOM elements and initialize the game
const input = document.querySelector("input"),
guess = document.querySelector(".guess"),
checkButton = document.querySelector("button"),
remainChances = document.querySelector(".chances");
// Set the focus on input field
let randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
// Listen for the click event on the check button
checkButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Decrement the chance variable on every click
// Get the value from the input field
let inputValue = input.value;
// Check if the input value is equal to the random number
if (inputValue == randomNum) {
// Update guessed number, disable input, check button text and color.
[guess.textContent, input.disabled] = ["Congratulations", true];
[checkButton.textContent, guess.style.color] = ["Replay", "#333"];
//Check if input value is > random number and within 1-99 range.
} else if (inputValue > randomNum && inputValue < 100) {
// Update the guess text and remaining chances
[guess.textContent, remainChances.textContent] = ["Your guess is high", chance];
guess.style.color = "#333";
//Check if input value is < random number and within 1-99 range.
} else if (inputValue < randomNum && inputValue > 0) {
// Update the guessed number text and remaining chances
[guess.textContent, remainChances.textContent] = ["Your guess is low", chance];
guess.style.color = "#333";
// If the input value is not within the range of 1 to 99
// Update the guessed number text, color and remaining chances
[guess.textContent, remainChances.textContent] = ["Your number is invalid", chance];
guess.style.color = "#DE0611";
// Check if the chance is zero
//Update check button, disable input, and clear input value.
// Update guessed number text and color to indicate user loss.
[checkButton.textContent, input.disabled, inputValue] = ["Replay", true, ""];
[guess.textContent, guess.style.color] = ["You lost the game", "#DE0611"];
// Get the DOM elements and initialize the game
const input = document.querySelector("input"),
guess = document.querySelector(".guess"),
checkButton = document.querySelector("button"),
remainChances = document.querySelector(".chances");
// Set the focus on input field
let randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
chance = 10;
// Listen for the click event on the check button
checkButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Decrement the chance variable on every click
// Get the value from the input field
let inputValue = input.value;
// Check if the input value is equal to the random number
if (inputValue == randomNum) {
// Update guessed number, disable input, check button text and color.
[guess.textContent, input.disabled] = ["Congratulations", true];
[checkButton.textContent, guess.style.color] = ["Replay", "#333"];
//Check if input value is > random number and within 1-99 range.
} else if (inputValue > randomNum && inputValue < 100) {
// Update the guess text and remaining chances
[guess.textContent, remainChances.textContent] = ["Your guess is high", chance];
guess.style.color = "#333";
//Check if input value is < random number and within 1-99 range.
} else if (inputValue < randomNum && inputValue > 0) {
// Update the guessed number text and remaining chances
[guess.textContent, remainChances.textContent] = ["Your guess is low", chance];
guess.style.color = "#333";
// If the input value is not within the range of 1 to 99
} else {
// Update the guessed number text, color and remaining chances
[guess.textContent, remainChances.textContent] = ["Your number is invalid", chance];
guess.style.color = "#DE0611";
// Check if the chance is zero
if (chance == 0) {
//Update check button, disable input, and clear input value.
// Update guessed number text and color to indicate user loss.
[checkButton.textContent, input.disabled, inputValue] = ["Replay", true, ""];
[guess.textContent, guess.style.color] = ["You lost the game", "#DE0611"];
if (chance < 0) {